Beauty Care

Acne: Causes and Treatments in Singapore


Many of us had acne as teenagers because of hormonal fluctuations, and we assumed we would outgrow it once we reached adulthood.

Regrettably, this is not always the truth. Acne is actually more prevalent in the early stages of our adult lives.

According to studies, around 40-55 percent of individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 struggle from breakouts – they are those with low skin quality, chronic acne, and oily skin.

Fortunately, this problem may be handled by first understanding the causes of adult acne and then looking for the most effective acne treatment in Singapore.

Causes Of Acne In Adults

1. Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormonal changes are common in the aging process, as well as during menstruation, pregnancy, and nursing in women. Acne can be caused by changes in these female or male hormones due to inflammation, pH imbalance, or excessive sebum production.

2. Stress

Both mental and physical stress can damage your skin, causing genetic and hormonal changes that result in acne. When you are stressed, your body produces extra cortisol, which causes conflict in your skin. When your body is under physical stress, such as sleep deprivation or dehydration, your immune system may become compromised, resulting in acne.

3. Using The Wrong Products

Biological causes do not always trigger acne breakouts; using the wrong skincare products and cosmetics can sometimes cause acne to emerge. For example, applying comedogenic skincare products may result in blackheads and blocked pores. Certain products could also include synthetic perfumes that cause skin irritation and cause acne as well as allergies.

4. Genetics

Adult acne is hereditary; if both of your parents had serious cases of acne, your chance of acne outbreaks would be much higher.

5. Health Conditions

Acne can occur in the face, chest, neck, and upper back due to medical problems like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), wherein the ovaries release an excessive quantity of male hormones.

What Are The Different Types Of Acne?

Acne can show itself in a variety of ways. They are as follows:

Blackheads are caused by accumulated dead skin cells and too much oil. The black spots seem to be dirt accumulated in the lump, but they’re produced by an imbalanced light reflection of the blocked follicle.

Whiteheads: These are bumps that are closed by oil and dead cells.

Papules: Inflammatory little pink or red pimples.

Pustules: Pustules are pimples filled with pus. They appear as whiteheads with a red ring around them. If plucked or scraped, they could cause scarring.

Fungal Acne or Pityrosporum folliculitis: This kind arises when too much yeast grows in the hair follicles. They could become inflamed and irritated.

Nodules: Deep in the skin, solid pimples. They’re big and unpleasant.

Cysts: Cysts are pustular pimples. Severe scarring can result from them.

All of these types of acne might have a negative impact on your confidence. It is advisable to get guidance from your healthcare practitioner as soon as possible so that they can help you decide on the best medication option(s).

Treatments for Acne

Topical Medications

If you opt to see a doctor for acne treatment in Singapore, you will almost certainly be prescribed topical treatments first. They are often ointments or creams that help in improving acne by inhibiting the development of acne-causing bacteria.

Oral Medications

However, if you have severe acne, like cystic acne, the dermatologist or doctor may suggest oral drugs, such as antibiotics, to decrease germs. If these acne treatments do not work, you may be administered isotretinoin, a vitamin A derivative that reduces the size of the sebaceous glands. Always conduct extensive research or see a doctor before using these drugs since they may have negative effects.

Carbon Laser Peel

This treatment is intended to reduce breakouts by removing dead cells of the skin and deeply cleansing the pores. The heat created by the laser not only controls the breakout but also rejuvenates the skin and reduces the appearance of skin pores.

Pico Laser

Laser therapy has recently gained popularity in the therapy of aggressive acne. Lasers not only produce promising outcomes, but they’re also non-invasive treatments with little downtime. The Pico Laser features several lenses and wavelengths to treat various phases and forms of acne, such as inflammation and acne scars. Having said that, laser therapy outcomes differ amongst individuals, and some might require more visits than others.

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