Healthcare Tips

Preparing for quarantine to prevent the spread of COVID-19


The numbers of COVID-19 infections have been staggering in the last couple of months. Various countries have taken control measures to minimize the spread of the virus, including quarantine. You can do things to soften the effect of the pandemic, especially when you have to quarantine and manage the impact of the quarantine on yourself and those you care about.

Cathay Pacific helps you to know how to plan for quarantine and generally prepare for a pandemic. This includes your psychological preparedness, paying attention to your local news, strategies, stocking up your medication and pantries, to mention a few. Prior preparation will help you manage psychological stress, lack of essential commodities, and information concerning the disease.

Stocking your pantry

During natural disasters such as floods, appliances such as fridges may not work. The case is different for COVID-19 because your refrigerator will work normally. However, keeping nonperishable food is essential. It is recommended that you purchase food and water that would last for at least two weeks. Stocking food and water is vital should you find yourself stuck in the house, though you may run out of available food at some point.

Buying nonperishable food is essential because the food will not go bad quickly when not used during the quarantine period. It would be a good idea to stock healthy and multipurpose foods, for example, beans, soup, whole grain pasta, oatmeal, nuts, olive oil, root vegetables, dried fruits, vegetables and frozen fruits. Remember to purchase as much as you can for your food security.

Practice flu prevention while in quarantine

While surgical masks could be readily available everywhere, they would not be necessary while you are indoors. Healthy individuals may find face masks to be annoying than being helpful. Although, if you are using the face mask for protection purposes, it would be a great idea to wear it every time. You may nonetheless keep in mind that you may become more relaxed in the observation of flu precautions.

There are other more effective strategies that you can use to protect yourself when you are not feeling well. They include staying at home, avoiding other sick people, using alcohol-based sanitizer and washing your hands more often. A sixty per cent alcohol-based sanitizer would help clean the commonly touched objects, surfaces and hands before and after visiting the washroom.


It is advisable also to pay attention to your medications. Medications such as decongestants, pain relievers and fever reducers are considered to relieve mild symptoms of flu. You may run out of medicines while quarantined. Instead of waiting for the last-minute rush, filling your prescriptions and keeping them replenished whenever used up is a great idea.

Most importantly, it is advisable to keep a one to three months stock of essential medication that might be difficult to get in case of reduced supply. Suppose you have an underlying condition such as heart or lung disease or diabetes. In that case, you should be very vigilant to ensure you have good protection.

Keep yourself updated with local news

You should access credible information when you are quarantined because it helps you stay up to date with what is happening in your community. Suppose the disease strikes, be sure to stay calm and avoid panicking. Instead, listen and follow the guidelines that the public health and local government issues.

New information about the pandemic comes up every day because it is developing each day. You should therefore prepare and respond appropriately. Your response will help to differentiate your community from others in the future.

Meanwhile, ensure you have an emergency and contact list that you could use when necessary. Otherwise, get ready and practise good health and hygiene as you work on proper preparedness to prevent or minimize the spread of the pandemic to people you care about.

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